Monday, July 23, 2012

The Great Sweet Tooth War...uh, Challenge

 In my fledgling quest toward better health, I have teamed up with the good people of Last week I signed up for the Tame Your Sweet Tooth Challenge--or, in my case, should probably be renamed the GREAT SWEET TOOTH WAR!

Here's a journey into my past. I cannot, absolutely cannot, remember a time when I did not have a hankering for all things sweet. I'm not one of those people who can vividly remember a multitude of details about my childhood--nothing dark and sinister, I guess it was just that normal--but many of them do revolve around sweet things. I can remember going to see my father's parents when I was really young--like 3 or 4--when they lived in two shotgun houses put together like a "T" in the middle of a cotton field in Arkansas--electricity, yes, indoor plumbing, NO. This was also the beginning of my long term commitment to coffee, too, but that's another story. I would get up at dark-thirty (that's southern for the rooster's crowing but the sun ain't shining yet)  with my Mamaw and Papaw, waking to the smell of the coffee. I wanted to be big like my Papaw, so he would pour some coffee into a cup for me, and then sweeten it with a tiny saccharin tablet. It would fizzle and dance around the top of the coffee as it melted, and then I would sit there and drink my big girl cup of coffee with him.

Other memories of growing up also revolve around sweets. During the summers after I started school, my sisters and I (or at least me until they started school) would go and spend a week with my mother's parents. Before they would go home, my daddy would give me a dollar to spend--hey, that was big money then! I could hardly wait for my mamaw to take me to the country store a few miles from her house, where Miss Kathleen still had a case of penny candy. Man, it was like trick-or treating in July! I would go back with a sack FULL of banana taffy pieces, chocolate footballs, bubble gum, tootsie rolls, and penny suckers the size of quarters. Don't you know my dentist loved me!

So you see, this challenge will be a war for me, between me, my body's cravings for sweet, and my mind telling me that I really need to indulge! But I am determined to conquer, one day at a time, one minute at a time if necessary--and a month from now, I may emerge bloodied and bruised (so to speak), but the victory will truly be sweet!

I just had to finish this with a picture of one of my favorite movies....kind of fits, don't you think?

Have a great Monday!

1 comment:

  1. good luck "taming your sweet tooth!" you can do it!

    i use to indulge in sweets in the summers too. i'd ride my bike to the local mini mart spend 15 cents and be set!

    good thing i married a dentist's son. free dental rocks!

    i recently did the south beach diet. no sweets! i lived. i think i learned self-control, and seriously that i don't NEED or am not entitled to the sweets.
